
How to enjoy the benefits of CBD in your daily life

Why take CBD?

In addition to preventing and relieving pain, CBD is an effective remedy to act on the cannabinoid system of our body. It therefore reduces inflammation, but also balances the immune system and protects us from oxidative stress.

Is CBD a drug?

CBD is therefore a drug that should be used as such and not as a medicine.

Who can take CBD?

In France, CBD products are currently tolerated as long as they do not contain THC. And many patients suffering from chronic pathologies (fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, neurological diseases...) use it to relieve their symptoms.

Who takes CBD?

CBD is not a doping product, so it can be safely consumed by athletes, including high level athletes. Indeed, they appreciate its anti-inflammatory properties, as athletes are often subject to pain or injuries related to the practice of high-level sports.

What are the positive effects of CBD?

CBD is an effective anxiolytic, consumers have reported many positive effects on their stress levels, anxiety or sleep quality.

Why doesn't CBD do anything for me?

If you don't feel any effects from CBD, it may be because you haven't tested it long enough. Some people use it episodically, when the real benefit lies in the permanent stimulation of cannabinoid receptors.
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Does CBD make you lose weight?

Can we take CBD to lose weight? These different studies do not show a possible indisputable effect of CBD on weight loss, but highlight the mechanisms by which the consumption of cannabidiol has an effect on appetite, fat regulation and calorie burning.

Does CBD make you sleepy?

Today, CBD (or cannabidiol) is increasingly known for its positive effects on sleep. Among other things, it seems to help calm, reduce anxiety, relax muscles and enjoy a deeper sleep.

How much CBD per day?

In theory, a good starting dose would be between 20 and 30 mg of CBD per day, divided between different intakes (morning, noon, evening). It is then recommended to gradually increase the dose of 20 mg per week until the desired effects are obtained.

How to take CBD oil?

CBD can be consumed :

  • By ingestion of CBD capsules.

  • By consuming the CBD flower.

  • By inhaling or vaporizing CBD wax.

  • By inhaling or vaporizing the CBD resin.

  • By emptying the CBD e-liquid.

  • By sublingual administration of CBD oil.

  • By consuming CBD-infused foods.

How to dose your CBD?

To calculate the amount of CBD in a drop of oil, divide the total amount of CBD in the bottle by the number of drops. Let's take an example: you have a 10 ml bottle of CBD oil, which therefore contains about 200 drops of CBD.
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What percentage of CBD to sleep?

CBD oil is a priori the most effective form to feel a relaxing and even sedative effect. It contains between 5% and 30% of CBD. For an almost immediate effect, take 2 to 3 drops to maintain in mouth during 45 seconds to 1 min.

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is an active component extracted from the Cannabis Sativa L plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it has no psychoactive effect and does not cause euphoria or intoxication. In recent years, CBD has gained in popularity thanks to its many physical and mental health benefits. In particular, it is used to relieve anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain and even some symptoms associated with serious illnesses such as epilepsy. But who can take CBD? When is it recommended? And how do you choose the right dose for optimum results? This article will answer all your questions on the subject, so you can discover the therapeutic benefits of CBD in complete safety.

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